All about healthcare AhealthZ

AhealthZ is an outstanding distribution company specializing in diagnostic equipment, medical materials, lab testing instruments, and pharmaceuticals. We offer products and solutions to customers to support their sustainable business ecosystem.

Business Area

Provide innovative and highly reliable diagnostic equipment and imaging medical devices to the medical institution nationwide. Supply more than 3,000 superior domestic and foreign brand items to hospitals, clinics, and clinical laboratories.

About us

As a specialized distribution service company in the healthcare area, we support businesses to effectively perform services required by customers in the healthcare environment, such as medical devices, pharmaceuticals, clinical solutions, and setting up a medical facility.


Please contact us if you have any inquiries about our products and solutions. You can expert advice now for a successful medical facility operation.

Distribution brand & Business Partners

You can experience healthcare products for hospitals, laboratories, and enterprises at competitive quality and prices through our excellent domestic and foreign brands portfolio.